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Age limit for "kiddie tax" to go up again

By: Steven Leibold, EA Tax Planning Views: 16568 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Steven Leibold, EA

Do your children have savings accounts or other investments held in their own name? If so, the tax on those investments could change. That's because recent tax legislation will expand the "kiddie tax" to cover children up to age 19 starting in 2008. For full-time students, the age limit will be even higher - up to age 24. Prior to 2006, the kiddie tax applied up to age 14. Steven C. More

Viewing an Investment Strategy through a New Pair of Glasses

By: Patrick A. Driscoll Investments Views: 15839 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Patrick A. Driscoll

The following is an article written by Robert Kiyosaki who is the author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. Robert Kiyosaki has an interesting view on investing that I wanted to share with our readers. Tax season always means a deluge of tax advice. Unfortunately, most of it is futile and lightweight. Try getting excited about living on $250 when you're old. It also needed repairs. More

Cancellation of Private Mortgage Insurance:, Federal Law May Save You Hundreds of Dollars Each Year

By: WiseSaver Home Loans Views: 14271 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


If you put less than 20 percent down on a home mortgage, lenders often require you to have Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). PMI protects the lender if you default on the loan. The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 - which became effective in 1999 - establishes rules for automatic termination and borrower cancellation of PMI on home mortgages. For these loans, your PMI may continue. More

Ways to Save for Your Child’s College Education

By: Tracey Clayton Education Planning Views: 13445 | Comments: 2 | Votes: 1

Tracey Clayton

People often tend to think that parents need more money when their kids are very young, or better yet, babies. However, the price of piled up diapers doesn’t even come near to the price of education, especially college education. And if you count in the books and other additional costs, these numbers will only keep on betting bigger and bigger. More

Ways to Lower My Bills

By: Peter Suhai Personal Finance Views: 13249 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 1

Peter Suhai

In order to reduce expenses and save money, it is vital to know where your money is spent. That is why the best way to lower bills is to create a budget and stick to it. Creating a Budget: The first step toward taking control of your financial situation is to do a realistic assessment of how much money you take in and how much money you spend. More

First-Time Homebuyer Credit Comparison Chart

By: Tax Advisors Home Loans Views: 12108 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Tax Advisors

First-Time Homebuyer Credit Comparison Chart     Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act of 2009 Effective for purch More

Comparing Car Insurance Rates Online

By: Bogie Boric Insurance Views: 11575 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 1

Bogie Boric

If you want to make the most of your budget, a great place to start is with your car insurance.  Different companies can charge dramatically different rates for the same level of protection.  In fact, rates can vary by more than $1,000!  So it pays to shop around.   And don’t just shop price. More

Is a Roth IRA Conversion Right for Me

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Education Planning Views: 9769 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

Any time we manage a portfolio for our clients, there are always tax considerations. Between the estate tax, gift tax, income tax and capital gains tax, most transactions involve some interaction with the tax code. Usually the laws are written to provide the maximum disadvantage to the taxpayer.   Tax-Free Investment Earnings for Life!?   First, some background on Roth-IRAs. More

Google takes advantage of Irish tax law to cut its tax bill by billions

By: Academix Tax Planning Views: 9682 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1-billion in the past three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. Google's income shifting -- involving strategies known to lawyers as the "Double Irish" and the "Dutch Sandwich" -- helped reduce its overseas tax rate to 2.4%, the lowest of the top five U.S. Treasury Department. Ms. More

The Need to Understand Commercial Bridging Loan and What It Entails

By: Smithtaylors Financial Advisor Views: 9441 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 2


Business and finance go hand in hand with the former being inherently dependant on the latter for growth and development. The need for cash might pop up at any given moment and some major expansion or improvement might be conditional to the investment. If only money was available that easily! The loan explained:Things however can be made a lot easier if applied for a loan when needed. More