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Taxes are on the agenda in Washington

By: Steven Leibold, EA Tax Planning Views: 4225 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Steven Leibold, EA

Taxes are on the agenda in Washington Congress is back in session following its August recess, and taxes are on the fall agenda. A variety of energy tax provisions. Either outright repeal of the alternative minimum tax or a temporary fix to keep the tax from affecting an estimated 23 million taxpayers in 2007. Extension of the tax cuts created in 2001, 2002, and 2003 tax legislation. More

Data show mortage mess not so grave

By: Kenneth R. Harney Home Loans Views: 3948 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Kenneth R. Harney

Just how bad is the foreclosure situation? In some states, the mortgage crisis is particularly severe. In Ohio, 5.2 percent of all home loans are now either three months past due or somewhere in the process of foreclosure. Michigan and Indiana are not far behind. In Michigan alone, one of every 100 houses saw foreclosure actions initiated in the three-month period covered by the survey. More

Best No Load Mutual Funds: Mutual Fund Research Matters!

By: Michael A. Weiss, CFA Investments Views: 3495 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Michael A. Weiss, CFA

Finding the best no load mutual funds is no easy task because today’s top funds often become tomorrow’s worst performing funds and vice versa. As the saying goes, “the faster they go up, the faster they come down.” The temptation for the average person to invest in this year’s best performing funds is almost overwhelming. Michael A. More

Looking for A Quality Home For Less? Go Manufactured!

By: Art Of Saving Real Estate Views: 3962 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

The manufactured home building process is quite unique, from the start of the home within a factory until it’s delivered at its new location – your land! This is very important because, if your house was built with wet materials, it could compromise the structural integrity of your home – leading to costly repairs and a lower resale value. More

Avoiding Long Auto Loans

By: Art Of Saving Financial Planning Views: 3775 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Do you really know how long is too long when applying for a new auto loan? According to many studies, the answer to that is no. Too many buyers nowadays are looking for the longest auto loan possible, without looking at all that it entails. The average auto loan is now around 70 months, which is up from the standard 60 months just a few years ago. More

The Canyon of Incumbrance: Young Texas And I Crawl Out of Debt

By: Art Of Saving Personal Finance Views: 3559 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

I'm not going to lie. Sure, I'll admit it. I've been pushed past the point of shame, and have fallen straight into the abyss prominently named, "The Lonely Canyon Of Incumbrance." I'm one of those people.   Yes, in my youth, I made some financial blunders and managed to sink myself into a molehill of debt. I refuse to call it a "mountain" -- I refuse! It would only discourage me. More

Scholarships: The Top 10 Strangest Ways to Pay for College

By: Art Of Saving Education Planning Views: 5380 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Scholarships are a great way to pay for college education. The problem is that scholarships are typically merit-based, which means they are usually reserved for students with 4.0 GPAs or star athletes. Thankfully, there are scholarships that rely on other kinds of distinction. Some of these scholarships might be called "non-traditional"; others are downright strange. Well, not anymore. More

Defeating Credit Card Debt With Self Control

By: Art Of Saving Banking Views: 4030 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Credit card debt is a major social problem in some Western countries. To rid yourself of credit card debt, it is best to recognize the problem as both a social and individual problem.If you are overburdened with credit card debt, or are in danger of becoming so, it is very easy to see it purely as an individual problem, one from which you may be suffering both physically and mentally. More

Eight Ways To Sink Yourself Financially

By: Art Of Saving Personal Finance Views: 2407 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

1. Don’t focus on your financesThe reason most people get into debt is because they don’t spend enough time focusing on their finances. You need to get a grasp of where you’re at financially, keep track of your income in relation to expenses and spending habits.2. Failure to develop a good financial planNo one would imagine going on vacation without planning for it. 6. More

8 Personal Banking Don'ts

By: Art Of Saving Personal Finance Views: 2154 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Presumably the object of having a bank account is to save you money, or at least to help you more easily and properly manage it. But there are also several ways in which your use (or misuse, as the case may be) of your personal banking account could lose you money. Below you'll find out how to avoid the eight most common blunders when it comes to personal banking. 1. 2. Many people do. More