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Ideas for saving money

By: Jose Personal Finance Views: 909 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


How to save money effectively? Explore proven ways to save money. Are you over 18 and no longer living with your parents? Then there must always be a supply of cash in your account to make you feel safe. Budget management is a valuable skill you must acquire to become an independent and mature person, responsible for yourself and your family. What exactly is it? More

Useful Investing Tips to Help Grow Your Money

By: CashOne Personal Finance Views: 3521 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


Investments will definitely help you build wealth, offer the required financial stability, cover the expenses after retirement, save on taxes, and more. However, investments do not always mean depositing some cash every month in your savings account. Savings accounts won’t be of much help because they offer less interest rate and don’t provide any tax benefits. More

How to Protect your Car

By: Rowan Webb Personal Finance Views: 64557 | Comments: 4 | Votes: 0

Rowan Webb

Scheduled Maintenance - This is one of the most basic ways to protect your car - ensure that you go for your scheduled maintenance visits at your registered workshop whenever you hit your mileage milestones! Getting your tires balanced and checking your engine performance is the best way to ensure that your car is running in its best shape! - This point goes without saying! More

How to save financially on your funeral

By: Dimitris Papadopoulos Personal Finance Views: 4447 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Dimitris Papadopoulos

It’s impossible to take it with you, but shrewdness with cash can make your journey from life to afterlife markedly easier. Undeniably, contemplating your own demise is an unsettling and occasionally unfathomable prospect, but, like taxes, it’s an inevitability we should all be prepared for. Shockingly, almost half have not registered to become an organ donor. More

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout: One Broker's Story

By: Matt Taibbi Personal Finance Views: 5851 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Matt Taibbi

I have a feature in the new issue of Rolling Stone called "Secrets and Lies of the Bailout," which focuses in large part on the seemingly intentional policy of deception in the government's rescue of the financial sector. Proponents of the bailouts will say that whatever the government did, it worked. As a result, George Hartzman and his clients got creamed. "George was different. More

Care About and Control Your Money: 7 Steps to Success

By: Betty J. Zak Personal Finance Views: 5761 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Betty J. Zak

Do you really care about your money? “Of course”, is the obvious answer. Let’s explore that idea and layout a few well tested steps you can follow to not only help you care more about your money but to put you in control of your money. The answer is a resounding…yes. So, we need to exercise that same care and control with our money. Step 1: Create a “0” based budget. L. More

How to Save Money on Your Reward Credit Card Perks

By: Melanie Mathis Personal Finance Views: 4231 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Melanie Mathis

If you have a reward credit card then, you should see to it that you maximize the benefits you enjoy from your card account. Aside from the actual rewards, try to determine your other privileges as a cardholder. After all, although some perks cannot be converted to cash, knowing how and when to use them can save you a great deal of money. How?  2. Purchase protection. More

Can you tell the difference between good and bad debt?

By: Bogie Boric Personal Finance Views: 7485 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Bogie Boric

Is there such a thing as good debt? Yes. Is all debt bad? No. Debt is simply the obligation to repay an amount for services or purchased property funded by another.   Bad debt is debt that strains personal financial stability. Credit cards can be valuable in establishing credit history but they are often misused. Creditors take a long hard look at your good debt. More

More shoppers using layaway plans

By: Peter Suhai Personal Finance Views: 4029 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Peter Suhai

Some major retailers are expanding their layaway plans for the holiday season to lure shoppers on a budget. Layaway programs allow customers to stretch payments on merchandise over a set period of time, typically with a minimum purchase amount, a small initial payment and a nonrefundable, one-time fee. But make sure you're spending enough to make any extra costs or fees worthwhile. 16. More

Cheap thrills – how to stretch a social budget

By: Bogie Boric Personal Finance Views: 7452 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Bogie Boric

Tight budgets can play havoc with our social lives, but just because our finances are limited doesn’t mean our entertainment options have to be. There are loads of tricks to financial damage limitation when it comes to going out – here are a few ideas on how to maintain a social presence without blowing the bank. More