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Minimizing Income Tax Liability Includes Cost Segregation!

By: Tom Stevens Real Estate Views: 2536 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Tom Stevens

Cost Segregation is an IRS endorsed tax strategy that is simple and easy to understand. The purpose in having a Cost Segregation Study performed is to allow owners to depreciate their commercial property in a manner that is different from the standard method of accounting, which is 39 years. Some elements of the structure will remain at 39 years. More

Mechanics' Liens

By: Frugal World Real Estate Views: 3154 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Frugal World

Mechanics' Liens is a complex one, as evidenced by the fact that over 200 sections of the California Civil Code deal with the subject. A Mechanics' Lien may be made by a person providing work, materials or services to improvereal property. An action to foreclose the lien is filed with the proper court within that 90 day period after recordation of the lien.2. 3143 Cal. More

10 Often Overlooked Deductions

By: Frugal World Real Estate Views: 2362 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Frugal World

1. Home acquisition mortgage loan fees: If you bought your primary or secondary home in 2003, you probably obtained a mortgage to finance the purchase. That mortgage is called an “acquisition mortgage” because it enabled a purchase of the residence. Each point paid equals 1 percent of the amount borrowed.2. 8. 10. Deduct prepaid property taxes and mortgage interest. More

Lower your moving expenses, Save time and money

By: Academix Real Estate Views: 2449 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


1. Plan ahead by organizing and budgeting. Develop a master “to do” list so you won’t forget something critical. 2. Sort and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale, donate to a charity, or recycle.3. But don’t throw out everything. If your inclination is to just toss it, you're probably right. That will eliminate regrets after the move.4. 9. 10. 11. 12. More

Termites, How to prevent termite damage/costs?

By: Academix Real Estate Views: 2887 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


The best way to avoid huge expenses and protect your home from termites is prevention. Here is what you can do: fill in all cracks in foundation walls no matter how small they are; repair or replace leaking faucets and pipes; check if the sprinkler system is hitting outside walls; do not attach planters to exterior walls. More

Exchange Traded Funds

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 3886 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. New niche funds are being created regularly. Check out, Yahoo! Finance’s ETF Center, ETFConnect, or Mark inks The Market Speculator newsletter. More

Compelling Reasons to Rollover Your Company Plan Money to an IRA

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 3051 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

1) The best case for an IRA rollover is the ability to keep the money growing tax-deferred for your beneficiaries. Many company retirement plans do not allow this strectch option even though the IRA rules permit it. So instead, your former company plan could pay your beneficiaries the entire dollar amount of your account in one year or five years at best. More

How a Charitable Remainder Trust Avoids Capital Gains

By: Art Of Saving Estate Planning Views: 3395 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Do you own a highly appreciated asset that produces little or no income? Are you selling your business? Are you highly compensated and looking to shelter more of your income? Here is an example that applies to anyone contemplating selling a highly appreciated asset.In the Path of ProgressClarence and Mildred had a farm that has been in the family since 1930. Mary is frugal. More

Don't Overlook Alternative Assets in Retirement Investment Planning

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 2699 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

If you are interested in purchasing real estate, private stock or a private note for investment purposes, but don't think you have enough cash on hand consider the following. Rolling current retirement funds from an existing IRA for 401(k) account into a Self-Directed IRA to do this type of investing is penalty-free. The asking price is $400,000 but he only has $200,000 in his IRA. More

Financial Planning for Twentysomethings

By: Amanda Gleason Financial Planning Views: 3746 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Amanda Gleason

This morning's Wall Street Journal had an article called "Financial Planning for the Not-Yet-Rich" that I found rather relevant for my blog. Basically, the article on how traditionally, financial planners have not been particularly interested in our age group - people in their 20s and 30s just beginning their careers and families - because we don't represent very high net worths. More