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Alert! No Extension to December 15 Open Enrollment Deadline

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Insurance Views: 4166 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 1

Thomas J. Hartfield

Alert! No Extension to December 15 Open Enrollment Deadline Plan selection deadline for Jan 1 coverage start date is fast approaching. Must enroll&make plan selection by 11:59pm Dec 15, 2015 for coverage to be effective on Jan 1, 2016. There will be no extensions to this deadline. More

Get answers to your health benefits challenges!

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Insurance Views: 5669 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

At Hartfield Financial&Insurance Services, Inc, we’re focused on giving you access to the information you need to make the right decisions:Health benefits costs. Employee productivity. Compliance. What keeps you up at night? Every small business has its challenges, especially when it comes to health benefits. We’d like to know yours. More

Is a Roth IRA Conversion Right for Me

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Education Planning Views: 9769 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

Any time we manage a portfolio for our clients, there are always tax considerations. Between the estate tax, gift tax, income tax and capital gains tax, most transactions involve some interaction with the tax code. Usually the laws are written to provide the maximum disadvantage to the taxpayer.   Tax-Free Investment Earnings for Life!?   First, some background on Roth-IRAs. More

What Tax Deductions Are Still Available to Me?

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Tax Planning Views: 21713 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

What Tax Deductions Are Still Available to Me? When Congress changed the tax codes with the Tax Reform Act of 1986, it eliminated many of the deductions that enabled many people to avoid paying income taxes. The revision was very thorough. However, for those taxpayers who itemize, some key deductions remain. Your tax advisor will be able to tell you exactly what’s deductible for you. More

How Should I Manage My Retirement Plan?

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Financial Planning Views: 23870 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

How Should I Manage My Retirement Plan?   Employer-sponsored retirement plans are more valuable than ever. The money in them grows tax deferred until it is withdrawn at retirement. Distributions from a tax-deferred retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan, are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to an additional 10-percent federal tax penalty if withdrawn prior to age 59 ½. More

Health Insurance Explained

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Insurance Views: 30617 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

By: Thomas J. Hartfield   Health Insurance Explained   Healthcare has changed since the days of family doctors and house calls. Today the rising cost of everything from prescription drugs to diagnostic treatments has us turning to managed care networks for workable health care solutions. Whenever you have a medical need, you’ll have three “point of service” choices. More