While this may not be the most creative idea, it is a practical one with a creative twist. Since most of us don't like the idea of "cutting back", try playing a survivor game with yourself. That is, imagine yourself on a desert island and write down all the important items you would need to survive. Then, place yourself in your current environment and ask yourself, what other items do I "need" in order to survive. Add up the monthly costs for these items. Then and only then, add in some of the "wants" if monies are still available from your income. Basically your are creating a Zero based budget for "needs" and only add in the wants if there is money to spare for the month.
Buy clothes off season. Use your cell phone as your main phone. Get rid of your land line. Buy resale. Cook at home instead of eating out. Be creative with leftovers. When paying yourself put cash in an envelope. When the cash is all spent you are not to give yourself anymore spending money until the next pay check.