Advisor: Hanover Law PC

Business: Hanover Law PC

Location: Fairfax, Virginia

Address: 2751 Prosperity Ave Ste 150 Fairfax VA 22031

ZIP: 22031

Phone: 8005799864

Knows About: Legal, Business Loans

Education: High school


Hanover Law is dedicated to providing the DC area with high quality, affordable legal help- Family, criminal, immigration, tax and business law. Additionally, we understand how these areas of laws intersect, ensuring you get the best outcome when faced with a variety of legal issues. Our law firm practices in Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. If you need a lawyer, give us a call- your first phone consultation will be free. We want to ensure that everyone can afford a good attorney.

Advisor: Legal
Hanover Law is dedicated to providing the DC area with high quality, affordable legal help- Family, criminal, immigration, tax and business law. Additionally, we understand how these areas of laws intersect, ensuring you get the best outcome.