Advisor: Donna Tidwell

Business: Ideal Real Estate

Occupation: Owner

Location: Rockledge, Florida

Address: 1264 US Hwy 1, Ste# 101 Rockledge, FL 32955

ZIP: 32955

Phone: (321) 543-5339

Knows About: Real Estate, Financial Advisor, Home Loans

Interested In: Real Estate, Financial Planning, Investments

Education: College graduate

Gender: Female

Date Birth: 02/12/2019

Relationship Status: Long story

We are a real estate company with more than a decade worth of experience. We pride ourselves in knowing that we offer the best, full-service home buying experience to our clients. We specialize in listing, buyers, foreclosures, investments, first time home buyers, and veterans.

Advisor: Real Estate
We are a real estate company with more than a decade worth of experience. We specialize in listing, buyers, foreclosures, investments, first time home buyers, and veterans.