
Art And Mental Health, Is There Any Connection?

By: Alex Coomb Saving 1 Follower

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Art has always been a way out for almost every situation. If you are stressed, start doodling, feeling upset, start painting. It is great to see how art has always been considered to be a happy way out of every stressful situation.

The more people understand art’s value, the more they understand how art plays an important role in helping people overcome their mental health issues. Talking about teens, art therapy is a widely used form of therapy to help teens recover from their mental health problems.

According to many experts, being engaged in arts, social activities and social interaction not only helps teens recover from their mental health issues but can also help with major challenges such as ageing and loneliness.

Art therapy also helps people who suffer from confidence issues and make them more resilient. Besides these benefits, art is known to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress.

Art, either you create it yourself or get to observe it, the vibe it reflects is relaxing and inspiring. Furthermore, according to some studies, art therapy plays a vital role in treating every type of mental health issue, personality issue or behavioural issue. It deals with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and even some of the phobias as well.

It wont be wrong if we say that art is a great way to express your emotions and without saying any words. This article pays a closer look at what health benefits art brings to us.

Is Art Therapy A Thing?

According to the therapists, there are various simple activities that one can try from the comfort of their home that’;; make them feel better. The activities include art journaling, sketching, making collages, sculpting with clay and many other. It doesn’t much matter the type of medium a person chooses, the only thing that actually matters is that you feel comfortable using it.

Art therapy is a complement to traditional mental health treatments. This type of therapy aims to manage and tackle behaviours, process feelings, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase self-esteem.

What else is it used for?

  • Self-Discovery: If a person is creating art, it helps them recognize the feelings that have been buried in their subconscious.
  • Self-Esteem: Art therapy reflects a feeling of self-accomplishment which helps to boost self-appreciation and confidence.
  • Emotional Release: The most appreciated benefit of art therapy is that it gives a person the opportunity to express and let go all the feelings and fears. It deals with sadness or anger that sometimes cannot be expressed with words.
  • Stress Relief: Fighting anxiety, depression or emotional trauma can be very stressful. Therapists recommends people to create art as it will relieve stress and relaxes mind and body.

Many platforms such as Marhampk are very actively working for mental health and are promoting activities such as art therapy, to know more or to talk to a therapist you can try visiting one of these platforms!

Author Bio

Alex coomb

Alex is a painter who loves to draw the beauty of nature via brush. In their free time, Alex also captures the beauty of nature with his camera.


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