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Southern California home prices fall, affordability returns to normal

By: Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic Real Estate Views: 4499 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic

  From the Los Angeles Times Southern California home prices fall, affordability returns to normal January's median sales price falls 40% from a year earlier, to $250,000. As the Southland's bubble continues to deflate, the ratio of price to income has returned to historical levels, analysts say. By Peter Y. "It's bubble psychology. More

Homeowners warned of property tax scams

By: Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic Real Estate Views: 3430 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic

Homeowners warned of property tax scams   Firms offer re-evaluations – for a fee. By ANDREW GALVIN THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER February 14, 2009    Attorney General Jerry Brown is warning California homeowners to beware of scam artists offering to help cut your property tax bill for a fee. More

Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan

By: Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic Real Estate Views: 3501 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Sanda Hnatjuk-Bahic

President Obama unveiled the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, which will offer assistance to as many as 9 million homeowners, while attempting to prevent the destructive impact of foreclosures on families and communities.The plan contains three main components, and only applies to primary residences. The U.S. Treasury Dept. Guidelines are scheduled to be released by March 4. More

Summary of Seller Financing

By: Alan D. Fisher Real Estate Views: 3261 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Alan D. Fisher

The benefit of seller financing Many home owners dread being involved in a situation where a property they've listed for sale has been sitting unsold for too long. The basic reason is usually the same - the asking price is too high for the market conditions. In these situations, the seller is forced to lower their price in hopes of making the property more attractive to buyers. More

Future Payments or Cash Now

By: Alan D. Fisher Real Estate Views: 3383 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Alan D. Fisher

Creative home sellers who offer seller financing to potential buyers can often sell their houses more quickly (and at a higher price) in a slow market. Similarly, the process for obtaining a large cash payment for the seller after a note is created varies from the conventional real estate closing technique as well. An alternate marketing strategy is required for finding note buyers. More

Understanding the Note Buyer's Mindset

By: Alan D. Fisher Real Estate Views: 3449 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Alan D. Fisher

Market pricing for real estate cash flows Banks and other financial institutions purchase cash flows on a regular basis. These payment streams are often purchased without a discount. Aside from a change of recipient address for their monthly payments, the transfer is completely seamless to the payer. If the buyer of the loan is comfortable with the risk, then no discount is needed. More

Different Demographic, Better Results

By: Alan D. Fisher Real Estate Views: 2792 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Alan D. Fisher

As explained in the last issue, seller financing can be an extremely useful option to sell a house in a slow real estate market. Unconventional private lending is a great way to increase the overall sales closing ratio. When the property owner is willing to "carry back" a note, it is often possible to obtain a higher selling price and reduce the time needed to find a buyer. More

Seller Financing to the Rescue

By: Alan D. Fisher Real Estate Views: 2905 | Comments: 3 | Votes: 2

Alan D. Fisher

The Problem When it comes to selling real estate, one of the most difficult and frustrating situations for sellers is when market conditions make it nearly impossible to sell at the desired price point. With traditional property sales methods, the only way to prevent the property from sitting on the market indefinitely is to keep dropping the price. And as you know, that "Mr./Mrs. More

Selling Your Home can be done QUICKLY on a Lease Option in this CREDIT STARVED Market

By: Brian Gibbons Real Estate Views: 2681 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Brian Gibbons

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Energy Saving Tips For The Winter Months

By: Bill Gassett Real Estate Views: 3066 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 1

Bill Gassett

Energy Saving Tips for the Winter Months It is no secret that energy prices have been high all year but thankfully have dropped quite a bit as we head into the Winter months. There are of course plenty of things you can do to save additional $$$ and conserve energy this Winter. For me it is easy because I am at work selling Real Estate all day. Over time the saving can add up. More